Advance yourself to new levels of musical listening!

Get a Free Copy of ‘BEYOND HUMAN’ when You Pre-Order Our New Album ‘WE ARE THE ALIENS’ due out no later than this Summer – only in the next 72 hours!

For a limited time you can get TWO ALBUMS for the price of ONE, but when the timer hits zero, this special offer will be gone for good!

1. Parallel Universe
2. ElectroMagnetic PlayGround
3. A Robot’s Dream
4. Hologram Girl
5. Psychodelica
6. Turn Off The Gravity
7. The Uncreated
8. Android Delusion
9. Conscious Machine
10. Two Faces Beware
11. Alien Playstation
12. Dark Rift
13. Beyond Human

Click Here To Download ‘BEYOND HUMAN’ and Pre-Order ‘WE ARE THE ALIENS’ NOW!

Declared by the prestigious UK MusicTech Magazine as Album of the Month last March, written up as “The Music of VON LMO & Otto von Ruggins – aka AVANT DUEL – is unlike any other” – the raves go on – “A world of Flesh and Machine beyond anything you may ever have heard…synthesizers that pulsate propelled by high speed electric guitars and big room rock drums – an explosion of sound beyond the normal path…that will ignite your musical flame” from The Entertainment Bank. Blog to Comm – “These guys use electronics the same way William Burroughs used language.”

Julian Cope declared, “Riffs the size of moons batter lyrics the size of planets…this music is Genius!” So click the order button below to instantly order both Avant Duel albums, ‘Beyond Human’ and the soon to be delivered ‘We Are The Aliens’ – just $9.95.

You will receive a digital download of BEYOND HUMAN immediately after placing your order and you will receive a link to download WE ARE THE ALIENS shortly.